We all have a wellness story, whether it’s our own personal journey, being part of a group initiative, or seeing a need and helping create a wellness-supporting environment to help make healthy choices more accessible for others.

One of the missions of our friends at The Wellness Movement is to bring light to some inspiring individuals or initiatives in New Brunswick, to help celebrate these Wellness Champions and inspire others.

The New Brunswick Anti-Tobacco Coalition (NBATC) invites you to discover The Wellness Movement’s Champions stories, especially the following inspiring testimonials who feature tobacco and smoke-free living:

Rogersville’s Story
Watch as registered nurse Maxine Caissie and Dr. Basil Blanchard explain how implementing a new smoking cessation pilot program, based on the Ottawa Model for Smoking Cessation, raised the success rates for their patients looking to quit smoking from 22% to 46%! MORE.

Peggy’s Story
Wellness stories need the right conditions to grow. Learn more about the social and physical environments that were supportive of Peggy’s journey to greater wellness and see how one woman turned 57 into the new 37 by getting outdoors. MORE.

Nancy’s Story
After she quit smoking, Nancy found herself at her son’s soccer game, battling irritability from nicotine withdrawal. When she looked up, she saw Sugarloaf Mountain rising up into the sky. See how one woman’s love affair with nature helped her quit smoking and get fit! MORE.

Jody’s Story
Jody Smallman’s story starts with something we are all familiar with—stress. His unhealthy combination of stress, smoking, poor eating habits, and very little exercise were taking a toll on his wellness. Come see how one man took on a complete wellness makeover, one step at a time. MORE.

Karen’s Story
Karen Lanteigne had been a smoker for 10 years when a simple demonstration changed her life. See how one woman turned small steps into big results. MORE. 

Kevin’s Story
See how learning to read helped Kevin Sappier to write his own wellness story. MORE.

Successfully quit smoking? Can you identify the people and places that make up your supportive environment and have helped you succeed in quitting?

Or, if you have always been a non-smoker, perhaps you have people to thank because they inspired you to live tobacco and smoke-free?

Use our friends at The Wellness Movement’s special app to put together your own video to share on social media and celebrate the people and places that nourish your wellness story.

Published in February 2019.

Author: Nathalie Landry – NBATC Communications Coordinator